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At Family Promise, we spend every day talking with families who have experienced or are at risk of homelessness. We believe that sharing their stories is essential to spreading awareness about family homelessness in the United States. Want to learn more? Check out our recent media coverage below.
Is my donation tax deductable?Yes. Family Promise of Greater Washington County is a 501(c)3 organization.
What does my donation go to?Your donation helps Washington County children and their families suffering homelessness gain their independence and move into stable, safe, and secure housing. It goes towards providing direct service to families in areas they need it the most.
Can I donate in honor or in memory of someone?Absolutely! What a wonderful way to honor your loved ones by making a donation in their name.
I'd like to donate by check. Where should I mail it?Our mailing address is: Family Promise of Greater Washington County PO Box 1932 Beaverton, OR 97075
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